Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Newest Edition To Our Family

Our family finally has another girl in the house....Sara.
Sara is 1 yr old and was adopted from foster care. She is a yellow lab and ??? mix. She is the most loving and playful dog. Alec is crazy over her. She fetches and loves to play. She is a sweet girl who won our hearts because of her gentleness with the boys. It was a huge decision for Andrew and I. Alec had been asking for a puppy and we wanted him to have furry friend. It was a requirement for our dog to fetch because Alec loved playing with the neighbors dog. After searching petfinder.com and reading about Sara, we knew she would be the perect fit for us.

Alec has spent the first week playing in her kennel, cuddling under blankets with her, and feeding her lots of treats. She warmed up quickly to us and now feels like part of the family. Sara is a mostly outside dog. Alec asked if she could come inside one morning and I told him know. I then heard him walk back out and say, "my mama said you can't come inside." So sweet. We are so glad we decided to get him a dog. Alec is in love!
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